Going indie

— 1 minute read

Remember how MySpace was the online bedroom of us millennials adolescents? The automatic music player that welcomed friends and random visitors, the CSS copy pasting to give the space a unique style, the ugliest photos of the ugliest moments with friends.

I miss those times, when everything was so naive. After years struggling with different social media, I've decided to reclaim my space on the web and set up a new home to publish some writings.

I built the website following the Indie Web principles, and it will be a complete work in progress, adding something new everytime I publish a new post. To start I used Hylia, an Eleventy starter kit that speed up going in production through Netlify: in 5 minutes I was ready to blog.

I've been in this industry for 10 years now, and I have accumulated a lot of experience that I want to share. I have some strong opinions about the state of this new era of web development, I want to share those too.

I also feel the urgency of writing, and returning to the blog form seems the perfect fit to find a way of expressing myself.

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These are webmentions via the IndieWeb and webmention.io. Mention this post from your site: